- Day 01 | holiday
- Day 02 | weekend day
- pb-ws
Análise do mês de Abril/2020
- pb-ws
Loïc Nottet
- pb-ws
- Day 03 | weekend day
- Day 04 | workday
- ar
Mocking and testing fetch requests with Jest
- ar
Server-side rendering (SSR) com ReactJS e Next.js
- pb-ws
Ações recomendadas para Maio/2020
- sc-ig
Ativos mais indicados pelas corretoras - Maio de 2020
- ar
- Day 05 | workday
- ar
Mocking HTTP requests with Nock
- ar
Axios or fetch(): Which should you use?
- ar
Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch()
- ar
Using Fetch
- hb
Você Provavelmente Não Precisa de Estado Derivado
- sl
Handling Failed HTTP Responses With fetch()
- ar
- Day 06 | workday
- ar
"Synchronous" fetch with async/await
- ar
Mocking API calls and simulating React components interactions
- ar
Effective testing of styled-components with Jest Snapshots
- ar
Snapshots: Painless Testing of React Components
- ar
React project (using Typescript and Styled Components) Testing Setup with Jest and Enzyme
- in
Colour Contrast Analyser
- ar
- Day 07 | workday
- ar
The Anatomy of The Perfect Mobile E-Commerce Checkout Page
- sc-ig
Dicas de filmes - Década 1970 - (Estreias no cinema) - 05.07.2020
- ar
- Day 08 | workday
- hb
getInitialProps - Next.js
- hb
getServerSideProps - Next.js
- hb
- Day 09 | weekend day
- Day 10 | weekend day
- pj-gh
NextJS - Minerva
- sc-ig
Dicas de livros digitais
- pj-gh
- Day 11 | workday
- ar
How to Properly Copyright a Website - Legal & HTML Requirements
- ar
Allow access to the Docker Engine without admin rights on Windows
- ar
Comandos mais utilizados no docker
- ar
Building Server-rendered React Apps with NextJS
- ar
A simple React(Next.js) app development on Docker
- ar
Frontend dockerized build artifacts with NextJS
- fv-gh
Next.js boilerplate for macOS/Linux/Windows development and Alpine Linux Container deployments to production with security in mind!
- ar
- Day 12 | workday
- ar
Dica rápida - TypeScript conhecendo o ts-ignore
- ar
How to use Next.js API Routes
- fv-gh
Next.js + Docker + Compose + Kubernetes + VS Code + TypeScript + Jest + Storybook
- hb
Up your AWS CloudFormation testing game using TaskCat - AWS
- ar
- Day 13 | workday
- hb
A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript - Deno
- hb
version 9.4 - Next.js
- hb
- Day 14 | workday
- ar
How to use SVGs in React
- ar
Animating SVG with styled-components
- ar
Working with SVGs in React
- sc-ig
Dicas de filmes - Década 1960 - (Estreias no cinema) - 05.14.2020
- ar
- Day 15 | workday
- ar
Como Remover Todas as Imagens no Docker
- ar
Docker EXPOSE Ports
- ar
How to reduce Docker Image sizes using multi-stage builds
- hb
Use multi-stage builds - Docker
- ar
- Day 16 | weekend day
- Day 17 | weekend day
- sc-ig
3° Antes & Depois - agora com Kiefer Sutherland
- sc-ig
- Day 18 | workday
- ar
React Render Props in TypeScript
- fv
A React component that injects SVG into the DOM
- ar
- Day 19 | workday
- ar
Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript
- ar
Using Arrow Functions to avoid binding
thisin React
- ar
Losing .bind(this) in React
- ar
When should I use arrow functions with React?
- ar
Five Ways to Convert React Class Components to Functional Components with React Hooks
- ar
10 obstáculos frequentes encontrados pelos novos tripulantes do React
- ar
Fetch with async & await and TypeScript
- ar
Conditional Object Properties Using Spread in JavaScript
- ar
- Day 20 | workday
- ar
How to Deal with Cookies in JavaScript
- ar
Testing async setState in React: setTimeout in componentDidMount
- ar
- Day 21 | workday
- ar
How to deploy Next.js app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk via Travis?
- ar
Next.js — Start web development with Next.js & create-next-app
- ar
How to test localhost node APIs on Android device
- ar
Como criar seu primeiro Progressive Web App do Zero
- ar
Entendendo o CORS — Parte 1
- ar
Entendendo o CORS — Parte 2
- hb
Static File Serving - NextJS
- sc-ig
Dicas de filmes - Década 1950 - (Estreias no cinema) - 05.21.2020
- ar
- Day 22 | workday
- ar
Folder structure for React-TypeScript apps
- ar
How To Structure Your TypeScript + React + Redux App
- ar
Introduction to Async/await & its best practices: Part One
- ar
The hard error handling case made easy with async/await
- ar
Mastering Async Await in Node.js
- ar
An alternative way to use async/await without try/catch blocks in Node JS
- ar
JavaScript: Tratando erros ao estilo Go
- ar
Introducing react-map-interaction for zooming & panning in React
- ar
Reading and Writing JSON Files with Node.js
- ar
Node.js Everywhere with Environment Variables!
- ar
SSM Parameter Store for keeping secrets in a structured way
- ar
The right way to manage secrets with AWS
- ar
Tips and tricks for AWS SSM Parameter Store with confd
- ar
- Day 23 | weekend day
- Day 24 | weekend day
- ar
Storybook DocsPage
- ar
Adding state to Storybook in React
- ar
Improve how you style and compose React apps — Use components in defaultProps
- ar
Conditional Rendering with Recompose
- ar
How to create your own React Hooks
- ar
Interface vs Type alias in TypeScript 2.7
- ar
Building a Checkbox Component with React and styled-components
- ar
How to Redesign Unsplash Using Styled Components
- ar
React Styled Components: Inline Styles + 3 Other CSS Styling Approaches (with examples)
- ar
- Day 25 | workday
- ar
- ar
Newline in react string
- ar
How to use media queries with styled components
- ar
How to deploy a static website for free in just 3 minutes straight from your Google Drive, using
- ar
- Day 26 | workday
- ar
Functional Composition of React Components
- ar
Advanced composition in React: cloneElement, HOCs and renderProps
- ar
React children composition patterns with TypeScript
- ar
How To Structure a React Native App For Scale
- ar
Optimal file structure for React applications
- ar
Typescript Type ‘string’ is not assignable to type
- ar
React defaultProps is dying, who’s the contender?
- ar
React Stateless Functional Component with TypeScript
- ar
Quick Next.js + GraphQL Integration via API Routes
- ar
Parar e remover todos os containers, volumes e imagens do Docker
- ar
- Day 27 | workday
- ar
Next.js and Styled-Components: style loading issue
- ar
Next.js + Styled Components, guia simples
- ar
Next.js + Styled Components The Really Simple Guide
- ar
Using Docker Compose for NodeJS Development
- ar
Conteinerizando um aplicativo Node.js para desenvolvimento com o Docker Compose
- ar
Create react app typescript: eslint and prettier
- ar
- Day 28 | workday
- ar
Next.js + Netlify: File Naming and Caching Strategies
- sc-ig
Dicas de filmes - Década 1940 - (Estreias no cinema) - 05.28.2020
- ar
- Day 29 | workday
- ar
Hash vs chunkhash vs ContentHash
- ar
How I track banner impressions using Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics
- ar
Integrating Google Tag Manager with a React App
- ar
How to Implement DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers) in React.js, Vue.js, and AMP?
- ar
- Day 30 | weekend day
- ar
TypeScript: How to set a new property on the window object
- fv
The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions
- hb
Namespaces and Modules - TypeScript
- hb
Get Started - Google Publisher Tags
- ar
- Day 31 | weekend day
- sc-ig
Playlist - France #3
- sc-ig